New generation of RASCAN radars has been developed. It is RASCAN-5 holographic quadrature radar.
New software provides a focusing procedure for improving quality of the images.
Today you can order RASCAN-4/7000 (4 GHz) and
RASCAN-5/7000 (7 GHz) devices.
The international school for young researchers “Short-range radars and their applications in medicine” was held in Bauman Moscow State Technical University on 16-18 October 2017
with the support of Russian Science Foundation. Leading scientists from Russia, Italy, Sweden, Malta, Czech Republic, Serbia and Portugal gave lectures about important problems of applying radars in medicine.
The school program is presented on the school website.
In the co-authorship of the laboratory staff a book was published:
Advanced Ultrawideband Radar: Signals, Targets, and Applications, edited by James D. Taylor, December 7, 2016,
CRC Press, pp. 363-386, Reference – 476, Pages – 413 Color, ISBN: 9781466586574.
The international school for young researchers “Registration of subsurface targets by short-range radar” was held in Bauman Moscow State Technical University on 25-27 October 2016 with the support of Russian Science Foundation. Leading scientists from Russia, USA, UK, Japan and Italy gave lectures about important problems of subsurface radiolocation.
The school program and the photo report are presented on the school website.
Laboratory staff has participated in book edition: S.I. Ivashov, L. Capineri, and T.D. Bechtel,
Holographic Subsurface Radar Technology and Applications, in book
UWB Radar. Applications and Design, edited by James J. Taylor, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2012, pp. 421-444. ISBN 978-1-4200-8986-8.
In the well known magazine Scientific American the
about joint projects of Bauman Moscow State Technical University and foreign universities is published.
For the first time for 350 years history of the London Royal Society, the Russian scientists participated in an exposition of the anniversary Society’s Summer Scientific Exhibition.
Within the frame of the joint international project related to humanitarian demining, the holographic subsurface radar RASCAN-4 designed in Remote Sensing Laboratory has been presented.
Queen of England Elizabeth II visited the laboratory’s stand to familiarize herself with this Russian technology, see photos.
Russian 1st TV channel report from London about this event is presented here:
An international team of researchers, funded by the NATO Security Through Science Programme, spent a week working on new applications for RASCAN radars.
Please click here to see a clip of the television news coverage (13 MB).